Double Cleanse Method: Skin's Secret to Deep Cleansing

en Aug 07, 2024

Are you tired of feeling like your skin isn't as clean as it could be? Even if you don't wear heavy makeup, your skin is exposed to dirt, pollution, and excess oil throughout the day. That's where the double cleanse comes in! This two-step cleansing method is a game-changer for achieving a truly deep clean and a healthy, glowing complexion.

Whether you wear a full face of makeup or prefer a natural look, evening cleansing is a non-negotiable part of your skincare routine. Throughout the day, dirt, oil, and pollutants accumulate on your skin. Double cleansing is the ultimate way to ensure your skin is truly clean. This two-step process involves using an oil-based cleanser to dissolve makeup, sunscreen, and excess sebum, followed by a water-based cleanser to remove any remaining impurities. By incorporating double cleansing into your nightly routine, you'll be giving your skin the deep clean it deserves, promoting a healthier, clearer complexion.


Oil or Balm

What's the Difference?

- The main difference between cleansing oils and balms is their consistency: oils are liquid, while balms are solid. Both work exceptionally well to dissolve makeup, sunscreen, and excess sebum.

How to use a cleansing oil:

1. Apply to dry skin: Dispense a small amount of cleansing oil into your palms and gently massage it onto your dry face. The oil will break down makeup and other oil-based impurities.

2. Emulsify: Once you've massaged the oil into your skin, add a little water to your face. This will cause the oil to emulsify, creating a milky texture. This emulsification process is a sign that the oil is effectively breaking down and lifting away impurities.

3. Rinse: Rinse your face thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove all traces of the oil and makeup.

 Note on Coconut Oil: While coconut oil is a popular natural ingredient, it's not suitable for cleansing the face. Coconut oil is highly comedogenic, meaning it can clog pores and lead to breakouts. It's best to stick with specialized cleansing oils or balms formulated for facial use.


Cleansing Gel

- After using the oil or balm cleanser, the next step is to apply a cleansing gel to your skin. Gently massage the gel onto your damp face to create a lather. This will help to remove any remaining impurities, dirt, and oil that the oil-based cleanser may have missed.

Why is it important to use a gel cleanser after the oil?

- Removes residue: The gel cleanser helps to remove any traces of makeup, sunscreen, and oil that the oil-based cleanser may have left behind.

- Refreshes the skin: It gives your skin a refreshed and clean feeling.

Note on skin tightness: If your skin feels tight or squeaky clean after cleansing, it's a sign that your skin may be over-cleansed and dehydrated. Over-cleansing can strip away your skin's natural oils, leading to dryness, irritation, and potential skin problems. The goal of cleansing is to remove impurities without disrupting your skin's natural barrier.


- Listen to your skin: If your skin feels tight or irritated after cleansing, adjust your routine or try a gentler cleanser.

- Moisturize: Always follow up with a moisturizer to hydrate and protect your skin.


Another ways

- Makeup remover wipes are another option for cleansing, but we advise against using them. These wipes only remove surface-level makeup and do not effectively clean out pores. In fact, they can simply spread dirt and impurities across the face, blocking pores and preventing the skin from breathing. The tugging motion required when using wipes can also irritate and damage the skin. Furthermore, makeup remover wipes are not eco-friendly.

- Micellar water is a popular choice for makeup removal, as it's gentle and effective. However, because micellar water can leave behind residue, it's best to follow up with a gentle cleanser and rinse with water. This ensures that your pores are completely clean and your skin can breathe.



- Be Gentle on Your Skin. Lastly, it's crucial to be gentle with your skin while cleansing. Avoid tugging or pulling at your skin, as this can cause premature aging and irritation. Your skin has memory, and the habits you develop now can have long-term effects. By using high-quality skincare products, you can achieve a thorough cleanse without excessive force. Remember, a gentle touch is always best.

Tip: Apply Products to Damp Skin

- To maximize the effectiveness of your skincare products, apply them to slightly damp skin. Many skincare ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, are humectants, meaning they attract water. By applying these products to damp skin, you help to lock in moisture and enhance their hydrating benefits.


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